Frequently asked questions
What is Juice? What can I use it for?
How does Juice work?
Do I need an iPod to use Juice?
What systems does Juice run on?
What are podcasts?
Can I make podcasts with Juice? How do I create a podcast?
Where do I find podcasts?
Can I download music with Juice?
Why is Juice free?
Why do you use a lemon as logo?
What is a mirror? I just want to download the software!
How do I prevent Juice from loading automatically on bootup? (Windows)
What is Juice? What can I use it for?
Juice is technically a "Media Aggregator," a program that allows you to select and download audio files from anywhere on the Internet to your desktop.
Juice makes the process easy by helping you select audio files from among the thousands of audio sources on the web and downloading those files to your computer. Once you select a feed or location, it will download those files automatically at times you specify and have the files waiting for you on your computer, so you don't have to spend a lot of time manually selecting and waiting for downloads. You can play your selected audio files using iTunes or other "jukebox" software, or load them on to your iPod or other portable digital media player to play anytime you want.
How does Juice work?
Juice uses RSS (really simple syndication) to "feed" files to
your computer. RSS usually involves headlines and text, but we've devised a way to have it move audio files. Once you've installed Juice, you can select podcasts to subscribe to in two different ways: Either clicking the selection button to see a directory of available podcasts or enter a URL for a podcast you've found on your own. You can set the scheduling options so that Juice scans for new downloads as often as you like, or you can control it manually. When it is done downloading new files, it adds them to your library, all ready to be played or synched to your MP3 device.
Do I need an iPod to use Juice?
No, you can use your computer or any other MP3 player. Juice is
platform-independent, so you can use it from virtually any computer and play the files on any MP3 device.
What systems does Juice run on?
Juice runs on the Mac, Windows, and Linux. For OS specifications see the download section.
What are podcasts?
Podcasts are audio broadcasts created and stored digitally on the Internet. Instead of being broadcast over the airwaves once and lost, like with traditional radio, podcasts were created to be stored and played at the user's convenience. Think of them as radio shows waiting to be downloaded. There are currently thousands of podcasts available covering everything from automobiles to rock 'n roll.
Can I make podcasts with Juice? How do I create a podcast?
The Juice software doesn't create podcasts, but there are many good sources on the web to guide you. Try: http://www.engadget.com/entry/5843952395227141/
Where do I find podcasts?
Podcasts are all over the web and currently number in the tens of thousands. We've made it easy, though. We have created an index located in the Directory tab (at the top of Juice application) to get you started. Of course, you can also check out other directories published on the web as well.
Can I download music with Juice?
Music can be part of a podcast, but Juice can not search p2p (peer-to-peer) networks such as Gnutella for music.
Why is Juice free?
Juice is free because we want to allow open access to this new network. We feel this new way of getting content should be available for everyone, not controlled by commercial interests. Our software is "free software," part of the new paradigm of sharing across the Internet, and licensed under the GPL. If our code is used by other people in their software, their code also becomes open. A viral effect!
Why do you use a lemon as logo?
We don't generally disclose that, but since you asked .... the lemon stands for freshness. The idea is that Juice downloads "fresh content." It's a refreshing way of accessing and downloading from the internet by simply pressing a button.
What is a mirror? I just want to download the software!
"Mirror" is techie talk for places that hold identical copies of the program. In theory, you'll get the fastest download if you pick the mirror that is geographically closest to you. Other than that, you can pick any mirror and will get the same software.
To select one, click on the icon with the 1s and 0s, directly to the
left of number of bytes, in the Download column at the right side of
the page.
How do I prevent Juice from loading automatically on bootup?
Navigate to Start -> All Programs -> Startup -> Juice. Right-click on Juice and select Delete from the pop up menu.